TV wine ad survey: 1970s Boone’s Farm Wild Mountain

How bad is this TV wine ad for Boone’s Farm? As bad as they come, unfortunately

The one thing that has been sadly consistent during the blog’s historical survey of TV wine ads is their incompetence. Past incompetent, actually, in which the infamous Orson Welles Paul Masson commercial is merely bad.

The latest example? This TV wine ad for Boone’s Farm Wild Mountain “grape wine” from the early 1970s. Those of a certain age will remember Boone’s Farm as the stuff one got drunk on as a teenager; those not of a certain age will be glad they don’t have to remember it.

The Boone’s Farm ad is so awful that it doesn’t require any more analysis. Watch and groan. And then wonder why TV ad quality hasn’t improved all that much between then and today. Right, Roo?

Video courtesy of KTtelClassics via You Tube

6 thoughts on “TV wine ad survey: 1970s Boone’s Farm Wild Mountain

  • By Jay Bileti -

    It was the pouring it over ice that made it special…

  • By William Baker -

    Boone’s Farm. We used to lace that with shoe polish to improve the taste.

  • By Martin -

    Boone’s Farm, Ripple, Annie Green Springs and Bali Hai were my “gateway” to “fine wine”, back in the early 70’s, when I was in high school.

  • By Tommy G -

    Wasn’t my cup of tea back in the day. I was more of a Night Train or Thunderbird guy. Did know a couple of girls that if you were the first to show up with a bottle of Strawberry Hill you were set for the night. Did enjoy some of the other K-tel commercials on YouTube.

  • By Wine Czar -

    I skipped all that wonderful stuff and started with Little Rhein Bear Liebfraumilch. I had a whole collection of the cute little plastic bear neckers.

  • By Jim L -

    Digging that TV commercial out of the vault brought back memories of when I sold Gallo back in the 70’s. You might laugh at that piece of advertising, but it did what it intended to do, successfully sell Boone’s Farm, & like their subsequent marketing with Frank & Ed helped shape the growth of the wine industry to what it is today.

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